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I, the "wandering" soul

"I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring." - David Bowie

I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring

Let’s set the premise right by starting with this analogy: If a young graduate, especially one from the school of journalism, comes to say that he prefer a newspaper instead of a radio station, will I dispute or spurn his idea? You do not mind, do you, that instead of the straightforward answer you expect from me, I give you a roundabout one without defaming or being bias to the question.

Here we go, had same claim come from a graduate, who has no journalistic background or any other related discipline, especially from one of these dime a dozen universities, I will find it spurious, conclusively suspecting him of wanting to use journalism to explore something I had not yet seen – money or fame, if you want.

But being a graduate of journalism, how can I spurn his claim when he will be doing what he studied in school.

However – and here I run into a barricade I did not know was going to be in my way – in light of the countless privileges in a whole legion of journalism have been doing to influence the public, making the occupation one of the most powerful and influential organs than ever before in the country.

Man is lost and is wandering in a jungle where real values have no meaning.

Wait a minute, did I say that?, thereby suggesting that I was the only “mouse” among “cats” who had to adopt the professional fiber of journalism without having any formal education about it?

There are a lot of us who find ourselves in professions that we did not envisage, either for our internship, national service or permanent work.

For someone who had nothing to do with journalism and was only focused on becoming something else aside from journalism more than anything in the world should be ashamed of myself for my smugness to the profession now.

It is with no doubts therefore when Andre Gide said " It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves - in finding themselves"

Being in the meadow of journalism, looking at every nook and cranny for something for public consumption has given “me too” a certain power to influence the public.

There are people who are more intelligent and have cavernous submission to make on matters of national concern, but how can they be heard? That is the kind of power I am talking about – the power to tell your mind to everyone regardless of the wit in it.

Everyone stands equal opportunity in excelling in whatever profession he may find himself in. Very little advantage is at the disposal of those who happen to get the profession they really studied for.

Please let me take this opportunity to clear the misconception about not having our desired profession. Though I haven't been everywhere, this has been an experience on my list.

Journalism is about results. It's about affecting your community or your society in the most progressive way.

Journalism is about results. It's about affecting your community or your society in the most progressive way.

Finding myself in journalism has brought me to understand that the key to our being made captive audience to the rash for news and trendy issues is not that journalists are ‘gods’.

Far from being the fourth arm of government, journalists have got a power which is not so common to everyone. They are not all knowing, however are able to sway the public to spur up issues.

I, the wandering soul, have also joined this influential sorority either by chance or fate with my opinions, reports and ideas.

Let us then accept traveling far enough into other professions. It is there that we can meet yourself.

Till next time, this is from the mind's mind.

NB: Though the article is written in the first person narrative point of view, the writer is not talking about himself.

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